Astrologija bez šećera
Ukoliko ste ljubitelj astrologije, onda je ovaj podcast za vas.Saznajte najnovije informacije iz svijeta astrologije, pričamo o astrološkim temama, mjesečnim i godišnjim horoskopima, aktuelnim planetarnim tranzitima i uz sve to dostupna je i astrološka edukacija za vas koji želite da znate više.
Astrologija bez šećera
Interview with Chaweon Koo: Planetary magic
In this podcast I was hosting Ms. Chaweon Koo, an astrologer, a witch, writer and a lots more, and had the chance to talk about planetary magic. You will have a chance to learn about using the natal chart position of your planets to improve everyday life, along with the different techniques regarding planetary magic and working with the energy of the planets in order to improve yourself and circumstances that surround you. Also, you will have access to the knowledge of "shadow work", which is explained in the interview, so make a coffee and enjoy, because this one is really special.