Astrologija bez šećera
Ukoliko ste ljubitelj astrologije, onda je ovaj podcast za vas.Saznajte najnovije informacije iz svijeta astrologije, pričamo o astrološkim temama, mjesečnim i godišnjim horoskopima, aktuelnim planetarnim tranzitima i uz sve to dostupna je i astrološka edukacija za vas koji želite da znate više.
Astrologija bez šećera
The magic of chocolate and astrology with Joanne Harris
"We came on the wind of the carnival."
Tonight the wind is blowing intensely, bringing the smell of fried galettes and pancakes in the air, to seventy percent dark chocolate and orange peel. In the first podcast episode of 2024, I had the great pleasure of hosting Joanne Harris, a writer and my great inspiration when it comes to writing. Joanne was kind enough to agree to talk about her birth chart and how her horoscope is related to Vianne Rocher from the novel Chocolat and the sequels that follow the novel. In what way are her characters in the novels connected with her personal planetary positions, what is the magic that Vianne uses in all the novels, what is the wind for Joanne and a symbol of escape and freedom, and much more, please, listen in the episode and enjoy!